
We've been talking about getting a GoPro for our farm. In case you haven't heard of them, GoPro's are awesome little video cameras that really talented people like snowboarders and surfers strap to themselves in order to get super interesting footage of their adventures. Naturally, I wanted to strap one to a goat. But, we also want fruit trees, a tiny house and more fencing. Suddenly a GoPro doesn't look so great.

So...we created the GoatPro! Mr. Nick took our old digital camera, some duct tape and a dog collar. Voila! Doesn't Bjorn look cute with his furry winter coat?

_MG_2660 Here is our first rudimentary video...the placement of it being on his chest makes for pretty bumpy video when he's running.

And here's another video...I"ll share the photo I was taking tomorrow on our facebook page! And yes, we have a random row boat in our pasture...we also want to dig a pond. Phew, good thing we saved money by not buying a GoPro :)

All Posts, GoatsRachael